AlaCOMP provides news and OSHA Updates to all members. Each entry is packed with vital safety tips, updates to claims processes and information on the annual seminar devoted to safety and workers’ compensation subjects.
Top 5 Safety Issues Noted During Loss Control Inspections
April 01, 2018
Keeping the workplace safe and reducing workers compensation loss involves scheduling a visit from the AlaCOMP Loss Control department, which will cover several points. Reviewing company operations from a safety standpoint, evaluating potential hazards and making suggestions for safety program improvements are the focus. Continuous client loss control inspections reveal similar safety issues in need of attention. Listed below are the top 5 most common safety issues discovered during these…
MOREEstablishing an Effective Safety Program
March 15, 2018
In all segments of the industry, companies should create and document an effective safety program. A safety program identifies and reduces hazards faced by employees in the work environment. Some industries must implement safety programs to comply with federal or state government requirements. Written policies and procedures satisfy an imperative component of an effective safety program. Companies should publish a list of safety rules within the company handbook that is received by all…
MOREHelpful Tips: Hiring Safe Employees
February 15, 2018
In a new year with the prospect of hiring new employees, think about hiring safe employees. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that workers with one year or less experience represent 25 percent of the workplace and account for 34 percent of the workplace and 34 percent of injury-related lost time. The use of prescreening tools provides vital insight to ensure you know the most about a potential new employee. Some helpful pre-screening tools include: Verify references and work history…