Billing FAQ
What is the address for sending payments?
PO Box 37000
Tampa, FL 33631-0520
(**Include paystub with payment**)
When is my premium payment due?
Monthly Payments – 1st of the month.
Reported Payroll – 15th of the month.
Can I change my billing plan?
Yes. We offer annual, monthly and quarterly installments. If you would like to discuss your billing plan, please contact our Billing Department at 888.661.7119 or billing@alacompins.com.
Can I set up my account on auto draft?
Yes. Auto draft is available by using your credit card, checking account or savings account. Please complete the requested authorization form that can be found on the Billing Section of our website.
What payment options are available?
You can pay by phone at 855.786.5315. You can mail payments to AlaComp, PO Box 37000, Tampa, FL 33631-0520. You can also make a payment via our Member Portal using your banking information or credit card.
Is there a reinstatement fee if my policy terminates?
Yes. If the reinstatement is approved, a $75.00 fee will be due within 30 days.
What if my payment is returned by my bank?
You will be charged a $25.00 NSF fee.
Claims FAQ
How should I file a claim?
Claims can be filed either by logging in to our Member Portal, emailing claimsfirstreport@alacompins.com or faxing 334.215.8480.
When should I file a claim?
A claim should be filed within 24 hours of the Employer receiving notice of an on-the-job injury. The notice requirement is met if anyone in a position above the injured worker (i.e. supervisor, manager, safety director, etc.) is made aware of or has firsthand knowledge of an on-the-job injury.
How is medical treatment coordinated on a workers’ compensation claim?
In Alabama, the Employer has the option to direct the initial care. Each Employer should maintain and follow a predetermined medical protocol for referring an injured worker to a physician. Only Employers or Carrier-approved physicians should be utilized. The injured worker should never be referred to their personal physician for a workers’ compensation claim.
How are lost wages paid?
Lost wages or indemnity benefits are only paid when an injured worker is taken off work or placed on unaccommodated restricted duty by an authorized treating physician.
Temporary Total Disability (TTD) is paid when the injured worker is taken completely out of work and is based on 66 2/3 of the injured workers Average Weekly Wage (AWW) for the immediate 52 weeks preceding the date of injury.
Temporary Partial Disability (TPD) is paid when the injured worker is on restricted duty that is being accommodated by the employer that results in loss of wages.
When do indemnity benefits begin?
In Alabama, there is a three (3) day waiting period on indemnity benefits. The first three days the injured worker misses as a result of an on-the-job injury are not paid UNLESS the period of disability extends past twenty-one (21) days. After twenty-one days, the three-day waiting period is then due and payable.
What do I do if the injured worker has work restrictions?
If the injured worker is on restricted or light duty, the Employer has the option to bring them back to work in a restricted capacity. AlaCOMP believes in aggressive light duty programs, and we have partnered with several vendors who can locate off-site light duty assignments if an Employer is unable to provide a light duty job. This option should be discussed with the adjuster handling the claim.
When can a claim be denied?
Claims can only be denied by the carrier. There are several reasons that a claim may not be compensable under the workers’ compensation policy. If there is a question regarding compensability, this should be discussed with the adjuster on a case-by-case basis.
Agent/Member PORTAL FAQ
How do I obtain Member or Agent Portal access?
Please email your request to aprila@alacompins.com or call 888.661.7119.
Who do I contact with questions regarding the Member or Agent Portal?
Please email aprila@alacompins.com or call 888.661.7119.
What does the Member Portal offer?
The Member Portal allows members to:
- File a claim online
- Make payments and set up ACH
- View and download policies, payment summary and claims summary
What does the Agent Portal offer?
The Agent Portal allows the agent to:
- Submit applications
- View their book of business
- Review renewal quotes
- Download policies, notices, experience mods, commission statements, and loss runs
Quote/Bind Online FAQ
What credit is applied to the quote?
30% credit is automatically applied. If additional credit is needed, simply “submit for review” with a note to underwriter.
What is the eligible premium for online quote/bind?
$9,000 and below is the eligible premium.
How do I find a class code?
Class Codes are easily searchable by code or description.
Safety Library/Risk Management FAQ
How do I obtain access to the AlaCOMP Safety Library?
New members will receive a username and password with their new member packet. Existing members can request a username and password by contacting our office at 888.661.7119 or by emailing Scott at scott@alacompins.com.
Who do I contact with questions regarding the Safety Library?
Please email safety@alacompins.com or call 888.661.7119.
Can I request a risk management visit?
Yes. You can request a risk management visit by contacting safety@alacompins.com or call 888.661.7119.
Are there separate login credentials for the Member Portal and the Safety Library?
Yes. The Member Portal and the Safety Library require two separate usernames and passwords.