AlaCOMP provides news and OSHA Updates to all members. Each entry is packed with vital safety tips, updates to claims processes and information on the annual seminar devoted to safety and workers’ compensation subjects.
Qucik Tips for Properly Filling Out a FROI
March 05, 2025
We have tips for filling out a First Report of Injury (FROI) accurately and completely, which is essential for a smooth claims process. To help, we've put together a short video with quick tips from a claims expert. Check it out here." To watch more of our safety videos, visit our YouTube Channel. Please contact the Risk Management Team with any questions. Have an injury and need to submit a First Report Of Injury (FROI)? PORTAL Portal Access Request…
MOREWhy Experience Modifiers Matter
February 05, 2025
Join Carol and Scott as they discuss all things experience mods. They will explain what they are and how they relate to your premium. To watch more of our safety videos, visit our YouTube Channel. Please contact the Risk Management Team with any questions. Have an injury and need to submit a First Report Of Injury (FROI)? PORTAL Portal Access Request
MOREClaims Recap 2024
January 27, 2025
We consistently update our members about the Top 5 Claims of each quarter. Check out this infographic for the Top 5 Claims of 2024! If you have questions or need help with your workplace safety programs, please contact our Risk Management Team. Have an injury and need to submit a First Report Of Injury (FROI)? PORTAL To obtain portal access click the link below: Portal Access Request
MOREClaims Analytics
September 05, 2024
AlaCOMP's Risk Management Team utilizes data and analytics to help our members learn where hazards may exist and how to help prevent injuries. Learn how the Risk Management Team can help you keep your workplace safe. To watch more of our safety videos and series, subscribe to our YouTube Channel to stay up to date. Please contact the Risk Management Team with any questions or topics you would like to see us cover. PORTAL Have an injury and need to submit a First…
MOREDo you know OSHA Reporting requirements?
April 01, 2024
What are OSHA reporting Requirements? When are you supposed to report an injury to OSHA as an employer? There are requirements and timelines for reporting an on-the-job accident to OSHA. Tune in below as Jim and Scott discuss the reporting requirements for OSHA. Don't hesitate to get in touch with the Risk Management Team with any questions or topics you want to see us cover. Have an injury and need to submit a First Report Of Injury (FROI)? PORTAL To obtain portal access…
MORE3rd Quarter Claims Recap
November 16, 2023
We are back again with our quarter Claims Recap. Join Scott Hunter as he reviews and compares the Top 5 Claims of the 3rd quarter to the Top 5 Claims of the 2nd quarter. To watch more of our safety videos and series, subscribe to our YouTube Channel to stay up to date. Please contact the Risk Management Team with any questions or topics you would like to see us cover.
MORE2023 1st Quarter Claims Recap
May 24, 2023
We consistently keep our members updated about the Top 5 Claims of each quarter. Join Scott Hunter, Senior Risk Manager, as he reviews the Top 5 Claims we saw in the first quarter and see how these types of claims compare to last year's top claims. To watch more of our safety videos and series, subscribe to our YouTube Channel to stay up to date. Please contact the Risk Management Team with any questions or topics you would like to see us cover.
MORE2022 Claims Recap
March 22, 2023
2022 Claims Recap Each year we provide our annual claims recap for our members about the Top 5 Claims for our Fund. To provide further insight, we have broken down the number of claims in each category and the incurred costs. Watch the video below to learn more about the top 5 claims of 2022. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact our Risk Management Department .
MORESafety Awareness: 3rd Quarter Claims Recap
October 28, 2022
For our 3rd quarter claims recap, we have reviewed our claims statistics. We have provided the top 5 types of injuries and injury causes and compared them to our 2nd quarter top 5 claims to look at the trends developing across the fund. To learn about the top 5 claims for the third quarter, please watch the video below: Each of the top 5 claims types can cause devastating, life-altering injuries for your employees. The AlaCOMP Online Safety Library provides information to…
MORESafety Awareness: Documentation
October 28, 2022
Documentation There is an old adage in the world of administration. The saying is: “If it isn’t in writing, it isn’t!” That fact has never been more accurate than in today’s litigious society. Documentation should begin with your safety program. Your safety program must be in writing, not only for protection against litigation but also for OSHA compliance. We are here to ensure that you know what is required. All training must be documented. Only…