AlaCOMP provides news and OSHA Updates to all members. Each entry is packed with vital safety tips, updates to claims processes and information on the annual seminar devoted to safety and workers’ compensation subjects.
Cultivating a Drug-Free Workplace
September 05, 2024
Cultivating a Drug-Free Workplace Ensuring a safe and productive workplace starts with effective drug and alcohol programs and policies caused by impairment. Watch as Matt Graham, VP of Claims, discusses the impact of substance use on a claim and AlaCOMP's take on how to handle it. He also provides insight on tips on what to do if an employee is using drugs and/or alcohol. What is Impairment?: Watch as Matt briefly discusses impairment in the workplace and how implementing a…
MOREPrescription Drugs in the Workplace
March 27, 2023
The last of this series discusses Drugs and Alcohol in the Workplace. We will address prescriptions drugs and their use in the workplace. The use of prescription drugs in the workplace can cause questions about how a claim is handled. Matt Graham, VP of Claims, discusses whether the use of prescription drugs can affect a claim and if you have questions about an employee taking prescription drugs what to do. Click the link below to watch the last video of this series. To watch more of our safety…
MORELegalization of Marijuana in the Workplace
March 13, 2023
Our next series discusses Drugs and Alcohol in the Workplace. We will address impairment in the workplace, legalization of marijuana, and prescriptions drugs and their use in the workplace. As questions continue to arise about the legalization of marijuana for medicinal and recreational purposes, Matt, VP of Claims, discusses AlaCOMP's take on handling a claim with a positive marijuana test and informs you on what we know about the situation currently. To watch the video click the image…
MOREImpairment in the Workplace
February 27, 2023
Our next series discusses Drugs and Alcohol in the Workplace. We will address impairment in the workplace, legalization of marijuana, and prescriptions drugs and their use in the workplace. In this video, Matt Graham, VP of Claims, briefly discusses impairment in the workplace and how implementing a drug free program can be beneficial. Click the image below to watch the first video of this series. To watch more of our safety videos and series, subscribe to our YouTube…