Artisan Contractors
May 22, 2024
AlaCOMP is your Workers’ Comp Market for Artisan Contractors! Our Underwriting team’s flexibility allows us to write a variety of exposures in a number of different industries, including artisan contractors. A few of these include: Plumbing HVAC Concrete Construction Painters Siding Contractors Brick Masons Let us help you today by submitting an application through our Portal. OUR ABILITY TO WRITE A VARIETY OF EXPOSURES... ANOTHER ALACOMP DIFFERENCE! If you have any questions,…
MOREOnline Portal
May 03, 2024
AlaCOMP offers a convenient way to quote and bind policies online. If your eligible class code generates $15,000 or less in manual premium, you will receive an instant quote and can then bind on the portal. Additionally, you can earn a 15% new business commission on any policies bound through our online portal. If you have not had the chance to try out online quote/bind with AlaCOMP, log in to the portal today! *If your class code is not eligible for quote/bind online,…
MOREWhat makes AlaCOMP’s Claims Unique
April 24, 2024
What makes AlaCOMP’s Claims Team Unique? Our people. Our team is incredibly knowledgeable in the world of work comp claims, and they value relationships. Several of our team members have served/serve on the boards of two prominent Alabama claims associations. The relationships made with these professional organizations have provided direct access to physicians and other industry providers, which allows for more direct…
MOREAlaCOMP Cross Border Options Reminder
April 10, 2024
Jay Burton will provide all the necessary information about our Cross Border Program and payroll requirements. Please contact the Marketing Team if you have any questions. To submit or bind use the portal PORTAL To obtain portal access click the link below: Portal Access Request
MOREHow do AlaCOMP’s Audits Stand Out from the Rest?
March 27, 2024
The deadline for Audits is approaching! Discover how AlaCOMP sets a new standard for Audits. Don't forget to submit your audits! Watch as Bob breaks it all down in his latest video. OUR UNDERWRITERS AUDIT THE ACCOUNT... ANOTHER ALACOMP DIFFERENCE! If you have any questions, please contact our Marketing Team. PORTAL Don't forget to submit or bind online
MOREDo you know how low our Minimum Premium is?
March 13, 2024
AlaCOMP’s minimum premium is $1,000, with a few exceptions. Artisan Contractors (excluding lawn care and janitorial services) -minimum premium is $1,500 Churches and Daycares - minimum premium is $3,000 Local Trucking - minimum premium is $5,000 Long haul - minimum premium is $10,000 Please contact the Marketing Team if you have any questions. To submit or bind use the portal PORTAL To obtain portal access click the link below: Portal Access Request …
MOREAlaCOMP Provides Multiple Payment Options
February 28, 2024
Explore the variety of payment options AlaCOMP provides by watching our latest video Along with the multiple payment options, AlaCOMP also offers the option of electronic payment on the portal. The electronic payment system offers the following: Receive email reminders when a bill is available, a scheduled payment is pending, receive payment confirmation Pay your bill anytime via the online portal Make a one-time payment Choose when to pay Set it and forget it with AutoPay…
MOREMeet Alacomp’s Marketing Team!
February 20, 2024
Introducing AlaCOMP's Marketing Team: Karl Peterson, Jay Burton, and Bob Breazeale! You might already be familiar with some of our team members, but if you haven't had the chance to meet them yet, we're excited to give you the chance to put some faces with names. Please enjoy the short video below to get acquainted with AlaCOMP’s phenomenal Marketing Team. Don't forget to submit or bind online PORTAL
MOREUnderwriter Flexibility makes it easy with AlaCOMP
February 14, 2024
Why is AlaCOMP easy to deal with? Because our Underwriters write the account, not class codes. We strive to be flexible and look at every account on an individual basis and work with our agents. To learn more about how AlaCOMP writes accounts watch the video below. UNDERWRITER FLEXIBILITY ANOTHER ALACOMP DIFFERENCE! If you have any questions, please contact our Marketing Team. PORTAL Don't forget to submit or bind online
MOREAlaCOMP Announces Portal Enhancements
January 31, 2024
AlaCOMP Announces Portal Enhancements We know everyone likes the easy button so if you haven’t used our portal to make a submission or bind a policy you are missing out. Now is the time! AlaCOMP has increased the manual premium threshold for binding policies through our portal from $10,000 to $15,000. Additionally, we pay 15% commission on all policies bound online through the AlaCOMP portal. Easy to use online portal for everything is…