Medical Protocol
July 28, 2020
Having a medical protocol in place is a step that can help make an injury on the job not as painful as it may seem. We highly recommend that all companies have a medical protocol in place not only to make it easy for you the employer but to also allow your employees to have the knowledge of where to go if an injury occurs.
What is a Medical Protocol?
A medical protocol outlines steps for an employee if they get injured. It helps to have a medical physician that is familiar with occupational injuries and understands post-accident drug testing and return to work status requirements. Also, if followed, having a defined medical protocol if followed allows for easy control for referrals to specialists as well.
This medical protocol outline should include:
- With whom the injured employee should report the injury
- What physician’s office to go to for medical treatment
- Procedures for after hour injuries
- Information about prescriptions and any prescription programs that are in the place and what to do once you have been given a prescription.
A medical protocol not only helps your employees understand what to do if they get injured but it also allows for the employee and the employer to be taken care of properly to contain cost and get the injured worker back to work.
Finally, the employer should notify all employees in writing that there is a medical protocol in place if they were to get injured. In addition to the items listed above, it should state that, if they choose to go to a medical provider not listed, that the workers’ compensation benefits could be comprised unless it was authorized prior to the visit.
To see an example of a medical protocol click here. If you have any further questions or need help setting up a medical protocol, please contact our Loss Control Department:
Jim Hallford: (334) 300-6346 or jim@alacompins.com
Scott Hunter: (256) 794-9591 or scott@alacompins.com
Kyle Maske: (334)-306-0611 or kyle@alacompins.com