Loss Control Resources: Claims Review Assistance

Since inception, AlaCOMP has been applying a teamwork-oriented approach by coordinating the efforts of its Underwriting, Loss Control and Claims Departments to provide comprehensive services that lower cost and reduce risk. With that stated, one of the resources that AlaCOMP’s Loss Control Department provides is the ability to offer claims review assistance. Claims review assistance includes our Loss Control consultants working in conjunction with members of AlaCOMP’s Claims Department to set up and conduct open claims reviews. These meetings review open claims to give the members detailed updates on the progress of the injured employees. It also works as a brain-storming session to discuss intricate details of the incident that produced the claim and help find creative solutions to mitigate future risk and get the injured employee back to work.

If you think your company could benefit from putting together a Claims Review Assistance Meeting, please contact our Loss Control Department:

Scott Hunter | | 256.7994.9591

Jim Hallford | | 334.300.6346