Service Industry Claims

December 28, 2022

Service Industry Claims

The new year is right around the corner, and it's a great time to see which injuries might affect your industry the most. We have taken the time to break down the most reoccurring causes of injuries and the most costly for our service industry accounts, including dine-in and take-out restaurants. Typically, we write a “Top 5” list, but it became apparent during our gathering of the claims data that three causes far outweighed the rest for service industries. As you can see in the graph below, slips, trips and falls, object handled, and lifting were the three outliers.

We had a total of 2,994 claims in our study. The above causes account for roughly 65% of the claims, with slips, trips, falls, and objects handled accounting for over 50%. Moreover, these three causes accounted for 63% of all incurred expenses with slips, trips, and falls accounting for 40% of the total costs alone. 

Injuries caused by lifting, handling objects, and falls will always be prevalent in the service industry. Incorporating extensive training on these types of injuries is vital as they are most likely to affect your business. You can help reduce the number of claims with proper training. For assistance on implementing an effective training program or if you have any questions, Contact our Loss Control Department. Lastly, don't forget to use our free Online Safety Library to obtain effective training materials.