Safety Awareness: Winter Weather and Cold Stress

October 28, 2022

Winter Weather and Cold Stress 

With winter approaching, employers should ensure that their workers are adequately prepared for potential cold stress in the workplace. You are likely more familiar with heat exhaustion caused by heat stress than cold stress and its effects. While Alabama is known for its hot summers, winter months can still create atmospheres where cold stress can lead to workplace hazards. 

With winter approaching, employers should ensure that their workers are adequately prepared for potential cold stress in the workplace. Cold stress can lead to ergonomic injuries from lifting, pushing, or pulling materials when employees are not trained on safe lifting techniques. Remember as well that icy conditions can create roadway hazards for company drivers. 

In addition to the above, winter weather presents a variety of potential workplace hazards. To help prevent worker injuries and illnesses, employers should follow the winter weather tips below:

  • Train workers on winter weather hazards 
  • Consider providing warm, protective clothing and headwear 
  • Adjust work practices for potentially hazardous weather conditions 
  • Maintain vehicles and emergency kits 
  • Ensure footwear provides adequate traction 
  • Take breaks when needed 

Employers should also be able to recognize the signs of cold stress and hypothermia. These signs include: 

  • Confusion 
  • Shivering 
  • Difficulty with speech
  • Sleepiness
  • Stiff muscles 

For a fact sheet on Cold Weather click here.  You can also find more information on how you can protect your employees from cold stress, in the AlaCOMP Safety Library, click on “Severe Weather” under the topic index. If you have any questions or need additional assistance contact the Loss Control Department.