OSHA has identified four hazards that are responsible for the majority of losses and fatalities in the workplace each year. What OSHA calls the “Focus Four Hazards” are Fall Hazards, Caught-In-Between Hazards, Struck-By Hazards and Electrical Hazards. In fact OSHA has attributed 90% of all workplace fatalities to the hazards classified as the Focus Four.
OSHA places special emphasis on safety training when it comes to these four categories and so should we. Typically, these are often referred to as Construction Industry Focus Four but realistically they apply to general industry as well. OSHA requires periodic training in these areas and a great way to accomplish this is in “Tool Box Talks” and production meetings we encourage at regular intervals on the job. Of course, all training should be documented so let’s not overlook the paperwork!
Fall Hazards: Walking where there are unprotected sides, missing railings and holes can cause a fall. Additionally, improperly constructed walking surfaces contribute to the fall exposure. Improper use of access equipment such as man lifts, lulls and scissor lifts can result in falls. Moreover, failure to use fall restraint and arrest systems are responsible for numerous injuries from falls. Simple slip, trips, and falls also belong in this category.
Struck By: Falling objects, rigging failure, loose or shifting materials, being struck by flying objects are also a hazard here. In addition, vehicle and equipment strikes and equipment back up without a spotter are things to watch out for. Forklift operation is a frequent cause of a struck by hazard.
Caught in-Caught Between Exposures in this category include, but are not limited to, trench and excavation collapse, rotating equipment, unguarded parts, equipment roll overs and equipment maintenance. Again, forklifts cause numerous injuries in both the contruction and general Industry.
Electrical: This hazard is present in almost all workplace scenarios. On construction sites, contact with overhead powerlines is always a danger. In the office and in the field, there is always a danger of contact with live circuits in electrical panels, poorly maintained flexible power cords (extension cords), equipment power cords and faulty electrical tools. In addition, when planning outside work, pay attention to the weather. Not all electrocutions happen indoors. Lightning strikes injure and kill many workers each year.
As you can see, the Focus Four deserve our attention. They affect many jobs across all fields of work. Special attention to training in these hazards is a must. For more information on training in these areas visit AlaCOMP’s FREE Online Safety Library. The Library contains excellent training programs on each of the four hazards. If you have questions or would like to request a visit please feel free to contact the Loss Control Department.