October Safety Awareness: Claims Reporting
October 18, 2019
When an on the job injury occurs, there are a couple steps to follow that will help not only you, the employer/employee, but will also ensure that AlaCOMP is able to control medical cost and properly investigate the claim. Ultimately, this could end up saving you time and money.
If an on the job injury does occur, having certain protocols/training in place always makes for a smoother process. Training your employees about what to do if they get injured and knowing how to handle reporting an on the job accident can allow you as the employer to properly care for your employee and ensure they can get back to work as soon as possible.
When an on the job injury occurs, the employee needs to know what the next step should be. He or she should report the injury to their supervisor, manager, etc. as soon as it occurs. Once the employer knows about the on the job injury, they should notify AlaCOMP. The employer should always direct the injured worker to the approved company physician per your medical protocol. Typically, these doctors are familiar with occupational injuries and the importance of the legalities such as post-accident drug testing and return to work statuses.
Another step to take is collect all the details possible regarding the injury. It is best if you can get a written statement from the injured worker and witnesses which includes time, place, event, witnesses, and any other relevant information. Taking or having photographs of the accident site or any video of the actual accident is always helpful as well. Once you have collected this information, you can send it to AlaCOMP Claims Department for further processing. Lastly, the employer needs to file a First Report of Injury (FROI). This should be done and submitted to AlaCOMP within 24 hours of the injury.
To file a First Report of Injury (FROI), please visit the member portal. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our Claims Department: claims@alacompins.com or 334.215.8234.